31 days until we get to meet our little bundle of joy: a true gift from God. Baby Girl Newton, you’re such a blessing to Daddy and I, and we love you so much already. I’m writing a letter to you everyday until you make your grand entrance. Letter #10:
Dear Baby Girl,
Yesterday was a big day in Mommy and Daddy’s history – the date was February 2, 2006 (5 years ago!) – which is the day that we bought our house! When we bought it, we were not “planning” to have kids yet, but we knew that when we did, that the bedroom in the front of the house would be a perfect room for kids. We loved the fact that there was a big fenced in yard for the dogs to run around in, and it had a big backyard that I envisioned would someday hold a swingset and a playhouse. Another great thing about our house was the amount of storage space! We’d only lived in small houses before we bought this house and we had to store our bicycles inside of the house. But this house had a basement, a workshop and a storage shed! We were so excited!
It’s been quite a wonderful blessing to have this house. We bought it during a very different time in the world, financially speaking. You may be too young to understand the story of how we bought our house when you first read this, but someday, you’ll be older and you’ll understand more about how money, loans and banks work. And when you do, come ask me or Daddy about how we bought our house. 2006 was a very good year for some people, but just a year later, lots of those same people were not having very good years. In fact, the year 2007 will be in history books someday and lots of “old people” will recall stories of how the housing market crash of 2007 ruined them or set them up for financial ruin in 2008.
But thankfully, Daddy and I were not seriously affected financially during the housing market crash and we were able to keep our house. What a blessing that has been! Thank you God for allowing us to stay here. Many people had to move out of their houses because they could not afford to pay for them anymore.
Here is a picture of Daddy and I sitting in front of the house on the day we bought it. Your bedroom window is on the left, and the living room window is on the right.

And here is a picture of Daddy and I on the day we bought our house. The woman standing next to us was Brendalynn, our realtor.

Well that’s all for now. As they say, it’s time to “hit the hay” and “get some beauty sleep” and “catch some Z’s”.
We love you Baby Girl and we can’t wait to bring you home into our house!
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