Sunday, February 6, 2011

29 days until new life: Letter #12

29 days until we get to meet our little bundle of joy: a true gift from God. Baby Girl Newton, you’re such a blessing to Daddy and I, and we love you so much already. I’m writing a letter to you everyday until you make your grand entrance. Letter #12:

Dear Baby Girl,

Today was the last day of coaching the DAMA swim team for a while. I prepared my favorite workout for the swimmers – the 40 X 100’s set. I had 9 swimmers come to practice. I usually have more on Saturday mornings, but there were a few swimmers who didn’t come because they were busy running the Krispy Kreme Challenge run in Raleigh.

My pelvis still hurt a little bit today, but not as much as yesterday. I took a long nap in the afternoon after talking on the phone to my Mom (your Grandma Cheryl). Taylor was snuggled up with me the whole time I was napping. Gunnie usually snuggles with me, too, but she must’ve wanted to sprawl out more because she slept on the other couch. I think I am pretty blessed with you in my tummy because you really don’t kick or move much when I am sleepy and napping. I know that other pregnant women say that sometimes they can’t sleep at all because their babies are kicking so much in their tummies!

After resting for a while, I got up and my pelvis really didn’t hurt at all! So I thought I’d take advantage of that and get some stuff done around the house. I vacuumed the rugs and swept the house. Put the bathroom rugs in the wash. Folded laundry. After that, I made 2 desserts for tomorrow, which is Super Bowl Sunday. I made an Oreo cheesecake and Magic Cookie Bars. And Daddy went to the grocery store to pick up all the ingredients for crockpot chili, which I’ll make tomorrow. After all that, my pelvis started to hurt a little bit, and it was getting kind of late anyway, so I went to bed.

That’s all for now. I love you and Daddy loves you, too!


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