Sunday, February 6, 2011

28 days until new life: Letter #13

28 days until we get to meet our little bundle of joy: a true gift from God. Baby Girl Newton, you’re such a blessing to Daddy and I, and we love you so much already. I’m writing a letter to you everyday until you make your grand entrance. Letter #13:

Dear Baby Girl,

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. Daddy loves football, so Super Bowl Sunday is pretty important in our house. Daddy says that he wants to teach you all about football so that you’ll understand the game and want to watch football with him. But I say, what if you don’t like football? What if you’d rather play with your favorite toys instead of sitting down on the couch, yelling at the TV? Daddy says it will be okay, but he has to try to see if you like football.

I don’t really like football, and I really don’t understand the game. But I watch some football games with Daddy anyway, just so that I can spend time with him. We invited Daddy’s friend Jason to come over to watch the Super Bowl today. He has a cute dog named Emma who gets along really well with Gunnie and Taylor, so he usually brings her with him.

This morning I woke up early and made the chili in the crockpot. Then we went to church and listened to Pastor Martie give a really great sermon on Exodus 1. After church we just went home and did some chores around the house. Daddy did a little more work on your bedroom, while I cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen. Then the Super Bowl started and we all ate chili, boneless chicken wings, celery & carrots with ranch dip, a slice of Oreo cheesecake and a Magic Cookie Bar square. Mmmmm! You started to get really active inside of me after I drank a little bit of Diet Dr. Pepper, probably because of the caffeine in it. I try to limit the amount of caffeine I drink because I know that too much of it can be not good for you.

Well, since I started writing this letter, the Super Bowl has ended and the Green Bay Packers won! Daddy and his friend Jason said it was a pretty good game to watch.

Well, tomorrow morning will be the first Monday morning in a while where I don’t have to wake up at 5:40am! But I will probably wake up by 6:30 or so just so that I can see Daddy for a little bit before he leaves for work.

Goodnight beautiful baby girl,
Your Mommy

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