Wednesday, January 26, 2011

39 days until new life: Letter #2

39 days until we get to meet our little bundle of joy: a true gift from God. Baby Girl Newton, you’re such a blessing to Daddy and I, and we love you so much already. I’m writing a letter to you everyday until you make your grand entrance. Letter #2:

Dear Baby Girl,

You are kicking me like crazy right now. But I don’t mind. It’s nice. Sometimes your kicks tickle me, but that’s usually when I’m laying down reading before bedtime. A few nights ago, you started kicking in that special way that tickled. And I laughed out loud. I was trying to laugh quietly so that I wouldn’t wake up your Daddy who was snoring next to me. Daddy needs his sleep more than I do right now because he works hard, a full 8 hours everyday. That’s 4 times as much as I work, and he can’t take a nap in the morning or afternoon like I can.

Speaking of taking naps, I am really enjoying my morning naps and I think you are, too. I usually get about 5 hours of sleep on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights. That’s because I usually don’t fall asleep until midnight and I have to wake up at 5:40 to get ready to go to the pool and coach the morning swimmers. But when practice is over at 8:00, I go home and eat breakfast. Which is good because I’m starving by this time! My usual breakfast is a big bowl of some kind of whole grain cereal with milk and a cup of extra-calcium yogurt. I’ve been eating very well since finding out you were growing inside of me. I do eat some junk food sometimes, but I try to limit it because I know you’re growing big and strong and you need the good stuff more than the sweet, yummy stuff. After breakfast, I usually climb straight into bed and nap for a little bit, sometimes as short as 1 hour, or as long as 3 hours!

Only 39 more days until you’re due to be born. I can’t believe it. Some parts of my pregnancy with you have felt like I was living in slow-motion, while other parts went by too fast. That’s why I really want to write a letter to you everyday until you’re born. That way I can remember what the last days of my pregnancy with you was like. And so that you can read about them when you are older. Maybe these letters will be preserved for so long that you will be able to read them when you are fully grown, married and having your first child. I know I have enjoyed hearing my Mom (your Grandma Cheryl) tell me stories about what it was like when she was pregnant with me!

Everyone keeps telling me to “enjoy the amount of sleep you’re getting right now” because apparently after you’re born, you will likely sleep all day and then keep me awake most of the night! You know what? I’m not scared of that happening. I’m excited. I can’t wait to hold you, kiss you, comfort you, sing to you, rub your back, feed you, burp you, hear you scream and change your diaper (even the yucky ones). I also can’t wait to dress you in cute pink and purple outfits, and gaze into your eyes while you gaze into mine. If doing all these things means I won’t sleep much during the middle of the night, well that’s just fine and dandy with me! We’ll just call it special Mommy and Baby Girl bonding time! We’ll let Daddy get the sleep he needs… and then you and I can both take naps after breakfast.

Lots of love to you, my sweet baby girl,

1 comment:

  1. That was an adorable post!. What about Daddy/Daughter bonding time?
