35 days until we get to meet our little bundle of joy: a true gift from God. Baby Girl Newton, you’re such a blessing to Daddy and I, and we love you so much already. I’m writing a letter to you everyday until you make your grand entrance. Letter #6:
Dear Baby Girl,
I feel much better today than I did yesterday. I caught a cold of some sort on Friday night. When I woke up yesterday (Saturday), I felt really sick. I had a sore throat, my lymph nodes were swollen, a runny nose and I was sneezing and coughing. Since I am pregnant with you, there are some medicines that I can’t take because it would be harmful to you. Daddy went to the store looking for a specific medicine for my cold, but he couldn’t find it anywhere! And he went to 3 different stores, too! So I decided to not take any medicine and to just let my immune system fight it off. I drank a lot of water and orange juice, and I rested a lot. I felt much better this morning. Now all I have is a runny nose and I’m sneezing a lot. I wonder if you can feel my tummy muscles squeezing you every time I sneeze?
Wow, only 35 more days until you’re due to be born! That’s not a lot of time! Just a little bit more than a month away. When you’re a kid, a month seems like it is a LONG time. But when you’re all grown up, one month seems to go by VERY quickly! I hope this last month of my pregnancy continues to go very fast. Because I am so excited to meet you. I just know you are going to be so beautiful. So cute and so adorable…
That reminds me of something my Mom and Dad taught me to say when I was a little girl, maybe around 3 years old. If someone asked me, “Why are you so cute?” I would answer them, “because my Mommy is pretty and my Daddy is handsome!” And of course everyone in the room would laugh and say, “oh, how adorable and charming you are!”
I wonder if you will have blonde, curly/wavy hair like I did when I was little, or if it will be blonde and straight like Daddy’s hair was when he was little? If you do have curls, I am going to buy this book for you:

I’ll probably buy it even if you turn out to have straight, brown hair. Because it’s such a cute book!
Well, Mommy is getting tired and I think I might go to bed early tonight because I didn’t get to take a nap today.
I love you already Baby Girl,
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