Breakfast cost $1.26 and consisted of:
1/3 cup Cream of Wheat
0.5 cup Almond milk
1 banana
1 yogurt
1 cup of calcium enriched Orange Juice
EDIT: Oops, I forgot to add in the box of dried cranberries and the 1 Tbsp of 100% maple syrup I put in the cream of wheat! So that adds 29 cents and 21 cents, respectively, to my total.

Lunch cost $2.10 and consisted of:
1 Ranch burger (leftover)
1 slice of cheese
Slice of Tomato
2 slices of homemade french bread
half of a box of Mac-n-Cheese
2 Tbsp butter
1 cup Almond Milk

Dinner cost $2.19, was all mixed together in a casserole dish and I ate 1 of 5 servings:
0.25 pound ground turkey
1/5 of a can of peas
1/5 of a bag of Steamfresh mixed veggies
1/5 of a bag of tater tots
1/5 of a can of Cream of Mushroom soup
1/5 of a can of Cream of Chicken soup
1/5 of a can of evaporated milk
I know this doesn't look appetizing here in the picture, but I assure you, this is delicious!

Snack cost 50 cents and consisted of:
2 apples
So all total, my meals added up to $6.05 today. Not too bad.
Last day tomorrow. I am getting kind of tired of keeping track of my food and calculating the cost, just as I'm sure you're getting tired of reading about my food!
Rob is still recovering very well. We are approaching the 1 month post-transplant mark. I will write a special blog for that day!
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