The errand we accomplished after that lunch was changing our cell phone plan at Sprint. Our old plan was the "everything" data package and the monthly bill was just too expensive for us right now. We're trying to cut back on costs wherever we can, and when it comes to luxuries like getting email on-the-go and updating my Facebook status whenever I want, we just can't afford it and therefore, it's got to go! We also made some changes to our car insurance to make it more affordable. So we're working on lowering our monthly bills so that we can better manage the money that God has provided for us.
Anyway, on to the meat and cheese of this blog post. Ha! I made a little joke, aren't I funny?
1.5 servings of Frosted mini-wheats Little Bites
1.25 cup of almond milk
1 banana
1 yogurt

Junior bacon cheeseburger off the Value Menu
Value menu french fries
Value menu Frosty

*Note* - the 2 splotches of spilled ketchup came from Rob. I was laughing so hard, not at Rob, but at the fact that he spilled 2 of them, like back-to-back, just 3 seconds apart! His hands have a tremor, which is a side effect of the Prograf he has to take. The doctor told us not to worry about the tremor until it effects his ability to do things like slurp soup from a spoon. If he spills more than half of his spoonful before it gets to his mouth, then we should notify the doctors. But they didn't say anything about spilled ketchup at fast food places!
1/6 of a petit filet tenderloin
1/4 cup mozarella

some peppers, onions, garlic
spinach salad
raspberry vinaigrette dressing
1 16-ounce Diet Coke
1 slice of wheat bread
Cost of individual meals:
Breakfast = $1.53
Lunch = $3.19
Dinner = $2.95
Totaled up, my food today cost $7.67. It would've cost 39 cents more, but we approached the manager of Wendy's after looking at our receipt and seeing that we were overcharged by 39 cents. I know it's only 39 cents, but I'm trying to figure out what my meals cost and it doesn't quite work out so great when I am paying more than I should for something!
Only 2 more days of this week's food cost experiment to go. After I'm done, I think I will try what my friend Michelle suggested - to look at the grocery store sale ad and build my weekly menu from the things that are on sale.
I'll close this post with a picture of myself that was taken today. I am 25 weeks pregnant today! Only 15 more weeks to go. I feel pretty good so far.

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