So we celebrated 1 month of new life by starting out our day at the transplant clinic. Highlights of the visit included Rob getting his blood drawn, going pee in a little cup, and getting his tunneled permcath removed (for those who don't know what this is, see picture below).

By late morning, we had the lab results back and we were hoping to see his creatinine level drop even lower than it was previously. Sadly, it did not drop. It went up a couple notches to 2.1 - now, you may be asking yourself, why? The quick answer is that the Prograf is to blame. His prograf levels were way too high, and one of the side effects of Prograf is reduced kidney function. Grrrr. No worries, though, the nephrologist and surgeon assured us. They just reduced the amount of Prograf Rob will take every day. It's tricky though, because they can't reduce it too much, or else the other side effect would be rejection of the new kidney. So we were told that the next clinic visit and lab draw would be 2 weeks later, on Dec 8.
I almost forgot, Rob got his staples removed from his incision site on this day, too!

So that about sums up Rob's 1-month post-transplant clinic visit. Perhaps later I will write a blog post about our wonderful Thanksgiving day, which we celebrated at home with Rob's cousin Debby from VA and our local friend David. We ate some delicious turkey, stuffing, carrot souffle...the works!
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