For example, as I write this, I need to take a break to go put the cloth diapers in the washing machine...
Okay, I'm back. That didn't take long. You know, cloth diapers are really awesome. I highly recommend them to anyone who is pregnant and wondering how they'll afford all those diapers for 2-3 years.
Well, time is short so I better get to the point. Rob finally got rid of that pesky BK virus he's had for a few months. Thank you Jesus! We were never super duper worried about it because of our faith in the ultimate healer. I just knew he'd overcome it and that God would be the one who did the work through the hands of the doctors and the medicines he's on! You know, I never really get worried anymore about Rob's health. At least not in the way I used to worry. When I read our old blog (, all these old memories come rushing back to me and I remember how much I used to worry and how I'd try to balance it with my faith, prayer and favorite verses from the Bible (my favorites were: "Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you" - Psalm 55:22a, and "casting all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you - 1 Peter 5:7) Oh, how far God has taken us in the past year! I smile when I think of life now compared to life a year ago. :)
So I wrote about the BK virus in a previous blog post. It's here if you want to read about it. Click here and scroll down to number 7 to find more info about it.
So in March, we were told the BK virus was almost all gone. It was down to 297 replications. Anything below 300 is like non-existent. But then in mid-May, it came back and was at 990 or somewhere around there. So the docs were still concerned and trying their best to keep his anti-rejection meds low enough to kill the BK virus but not too low so as to harm his transplanted kidney. As of yesterday, the transplant coordinator said that the BK virus is gone! I don't know the specific number of replications in his blood, but we should know that in a couple more days when they release the lab results to us in our Duke Healthview account.
So...Rob's health is doing well and he's feeling great. I hear him say, "I feel 10 years younger" whenever someone asks him how he's feeling since the transplant. He rides his bike sometimes, goes for walks with me and Eliza sometimes and just in general remains pretty active overall. Speaking of riding bikes, Rob did a metric century on May 1. A metric century is 100 kilometers, or 62 miles. He did this at the Raven Rock Ramble. This event raises money for the UNC Kidney Center and goes toward direct patient services. What's amazing about him completing this distance on his bike is that his longest training ride before doing this was maybe 35 miles! Well...when you've been a cyclist for as long as Rob has, it's not too hard to just hop on the bike and keep pedaling for a few hours. Sure, you'll be so sore the next couple of days that you'll feel like a birthday pinata that had its innards beaten out, but it's not impossible. Here's a few pics from the ride:
This is the mass start of the riders who are doing the 62 mile option and the full 100 mile route. Overall, there were 530 riders out there!

Here's Rob at the start (you can see 1 of his abdominal hernias here really sticking out - he needs to have the hernia repair surgery soon, more on that later!)

During the ride, Eliza and I drove the bike course backwards and met Rob at his halfway point, or for those of you not accustomed to bike speak - what they call a "sag stop". At the halfway point, Rob said he felt good and he was keeping around a 15mph pace. Here he is at the halfway point:

After that, Eliza and I drove back to the ride start, which was at Harris Lake County Park in southwest Wake County, near the nuclear power plant (cue the Simpsons theme song music in your head...) We waited for Rob to finish his ride by walking around the lakefront area and playground/picnic area. It was a beautiful day with temperatures in the high 70s'! Here's a pic of Rob (and Eliza) after he finished the ride. He said he was very, very tired and so happy to finish! Yes, Eliza is sitting on his bike! She's got a long way to go before she fits properly onto a 58cm road bike!

Okay, so I've touched on the major subjects of Rob's health (BK virus gone), my busy life as a Mommy (can't find time to blog), and Rob's activity levels (he rode 62 miles about 6 months after his successful kidney transplant). That's about all I have time to blog for now. Maybe another night I can blog about how cute our little Eliza is. And how she's not so little anymore. She's growing like a weed and at just over 3 months old, she's wearing 6-12 month sized clothes! She a professional sleeper - sleeps all night long, usually about 12 hours every night. She smiles all the time and is really close to laughing soon.
Okay, the cloth diapers just finished their wash cycle. Time to hang them up (on an indoor clothesline that Rob put up for me - thanks sweetie!) to dry and hit the hay for the night!

Nitey nite everyone!
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