Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Eliza is a synonym for cute

Really, it is! Okay, so maybe it won't list "Eliza" in that copy of Roget's Thesaurus you've got sitting on your bookshelf when you look up "cute", but you will find "attractive, pretty, coy, cutesy, see also BEAUTY". All of which describe our daughter perfectly!

I finally finished uploading the videos we've taken of her since she was born 3 weeks ago. We have the slowest cable internet speed right now (saving money, cha-ching!) so it takes hours to upload a 4 minute video.

Here are the first 2 videos we took of Eliza in the hospital. She was 2 days old here. And yes, she's wearing blue even though she's a girl. Hope that doesn't confuse anyone. She was sporting her Duke Blue Devils sleeper that our doula Charlene bought her. I think she looks good in blue!

This next video was taken on April 2, when she was 2.5 weeks old. Rob calls her hand/arm movements "Baby Hands". I think she looks like she's pawing at the air, kind of like a playful cat batting at some dangling yarn. She is wearing pink in this video - this sleeper was a gift from Grandma Cheryl. Everyone at the NC Masters swim meet (where we'd gone earlier in the day) thought that her outfit was so cute! Especially the feet part of the sleeper.

And here she is experiencing the fun of a her baby swing for the first time! We desperately needed this swing because she's been so fussy lately and we needed something else that would help calm and soothe her when she's unhappy (because even though I'd like to, I can't hold her all day!) I think it's safe to say that Eliza LOVES her swing! Something is wrong with the sound about halfway through the video - sorry, I don't know what it was that caused it?

And finally, here are the last 2 videos that I took yesterday. This first one is me playing with her while she was sleeping, trying to wake her up.

And I took this video of her immediately after she woke up from her nap. I just love the faces she makes when she's waking herself up! Note: At 1:41 on this video, you can hear her pass some wind! I would say "fart", like I normally do, but fart is such a goofy word! I think Eliza is too pretty to say "she farted" - how can someone so beautiful have something so stinky come out of her? Hee hee!

That's all the videos for now. Maybe I'll post up some more later. I really want to make a video of me changing her Soft Bums cloth diapers and showing how I wash them so that I can show the world just how easy cloth diapers are! Hope you enjoy these cute baby videos!


  1. She is simply beautiful! It looks like you are having so much fun getting to know each other. I'm so happy for you guys!!!!!

  2. Hi Daniellie... Oh my.. i'm at the Dixon library having so much fun watching all of these vids! Trouble is.. I want to interact with her, but people around here would think I was nuts if they saw me kissing (or pinching) my computer screen! I feel like I just want to reach in and pick her up!!! I can't wait to see her next month!! she's a little doll!! Beautiful! xoxo Hug n' kiss her for me sweetie! Love~ Grandma Cher
