Thursday, November 4, 2010

Another creatinine level update - 10 days post-transplant

Yesterday, we went to our regular clinic appointment. Lots of other kidney transplant recipients go to this clinic, and it operates on a first-come, first-serve basis. We were warned that sometimes the wait could be long, so we can prepared with books to read. We checked in at 9:05am and checked out at 11:30. It didn't seem too bad of a wait in the different waiting rooms, and Rob only had to "get stuck" once for a blood draw. The cool thing is that they were able to get the results of his blood tests quickly. We have a new, even lower level of creatinine to report: a 2.4! Hooray!

We celebrated the occasion by going to Nosh, which was Rob's choice. He asked me where I'd like to eat and the only place that sprung to my mind was Chic-Fil-A. But when he said, "How about Nosh?" my tastebuds started to salivate! We love Nosh and haven't eaten there in quite a while. Rob ordered the Buckster's Beef Wrap and I got the Mallard's Cardinal sandwich. We know one of the owners, Wendy, and she is so nice! We shared with her the good news of Rob's kidney transplant and our pregnancy.

Later, I made pumpkin pancakes and scrambled eggs for dinner. I have been on a big pumpkin binge lately! I can't help it, I just love pumpkin so much! :)

Today was a very "blah" kind of day. It was rainy and dreary all day. It's the kind of day that you relish every once in a while, when you can cozy up on the couch, watch movies and drink hot cocoa. But "relish" isn't the word I'd use to describe how we felt about our day. Boring would be more like it. Rob had to stop by the Clinic yet again (3rd time this week!) for a quick blood draw. This blood draw was for the clinical study he is enrolled in. I'll tell you more about that sometime later.

After the morning blood draw, we stopped at Food Lion to pick up 2 essentials I didn't have for a recipe. Yes, you guessed it - this recipe contained pumpkin!

To market, to market, to buy a fat buttermilk
To market, to market, to buy a fat bag of Splenda
Home again, home again, jiggety jig

Well, we didn't quite go home after Food Lion. We stopped off at the library to check out some free DVD's for the week. So the rest of the day was comprised of this:

1.) Sit on couch, watch movie
2.) Nap - Rob
3.) Cook hamburger for lunch
4.) Use my friend's recipe for Pumpkin Bread (substitute Splenda for real sugar)
5.) Eat slice of bread with butter and cinnamon sugar sprinkled on top
6.) Sit on couch, watch movie
7.) Nap - Danielle
8.) Download new version of anti-virus software, mess up computer, fix computer
9.) Give 2 dogs a bath and then scrub the tub afterward
10.) Cook oatmeal for dinner
11.) Write blog

Rob's currently reading his book that we got at the library. It's a biography on Pat Tillman, the NFL player who walked away from his multimillion dollar contract in 2002 to serve in the Army, to fight (and later die) in Afghanistan.

I know that may not sound like a boring day to you, but to us it was. I think we're going to have to get out of the house tomorrow and do something fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, dear!

    I was so glad to hear from Michelle H. that you'd received a kidney! Congrats on the new life and new blog.
